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Zero X
2010 YOM
Zero S
2010 YOM
Zero MX
2010 YOM
Zero DS
2010 YOM
2010 YOM
HZE Vectrix
2010 YOM

brand story

Hesketh Motorcycles is a British motorcycle manufacturer, initially based in Daventry and Easton Neston, Northamptonshire, England. The company was formed by Alexander, 3rd Lord Hesketh, to develop a prototype in 1980. After two variations of his business rapidly failed, from 1984 onwards the marque was maintained and improved by Broom Engineering based at Turweston Aerodrome, on the Northamptonshire border with Buckinghamshire, England. The most recent incarnation of the marque from 2013 is based in Kingswood, Surrey, England.


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