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Bike.net is a social network for bike owners and those keen on learning more about the bike world. By the end of the 20th century - bikes gained wide popularity and became an integral part of modern automotive industry. The best engineers from Yamaha, Kawasaki, BMW and Ducati tirelessly updated old models and designed new outstanding models.

True steel friends

Some view their bikes just as powerful fast machines. Others consider bikes to be reliable partners they can trust on the road. Bike.net is a place for every kind of bike riders, where you can find interesting insights into motorcycle lifestyle. Here you can share your experiences and talk to avid riders, check specifications of different models and sell your old bike. The Information on Bike.net is organized in several blocks:

There are useful categories, where the users post pictures of their 'iron horses', fun videos, talk about road accidents or tuning, share their experiences on DIY repair and post ads on parts and motorcycling gear. Bike.net is your full immersion experience into the motorcycling world and a place for likeminded people.

Meet. Discuss. Share experiences

Here you can join your local bike club or start a group to meet on weekends, travel to other cities and organize various events.

If you wish to purchase a motorcycle, check «Sale», where you can find your dream bike. There are lots of information and photos of new and classic models on site. Watch videos, enjoy real bike photos, study specifications and discuss them with friends. In our social network you will find latest motorsport news, presentations of new models, and useful information on accidents, highjacks and ways to protect your bike.

Download Bike.net app, to see all partner stores' locations, local motorbike clubs and the best riding routes. Join motorcycling community and bike lovers under the Bike.net banner!