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Motorcycle Social Network

Olegra wrote post
Первый всесоюзный звёздный вело-мото-пробег финишировал в Москве 21 июня 1926 года. На финиш прибыло 126 участников из 23 различных населённых пунктов СССР, из них 14 мотоциклистов. Среди мотоциклистов победил Мясников из Нижнего Новгорода. Все участники ехали по разным маршрутам. Мотоциклист Дмитриев по заданию Наркомпочтела проехал на мотоцикле 1350 км по маршруту Москва-Владимир-Нижний Новгород-Новгород-Тула-Москва. Он выяснял возможность доставки почты в сёла на мотоцикле

Other posts

John Plummer
John Plummer wrote post
I have a goose neck brass emblem. Looks like it is from a bicycle or motorcycle.
"1902 HARTFORD Model 31"
Is this from a motor cycle and if so is anyone interested in it?
my oldest collector vehicle is a 1928 Buick master roadster.
My email is…
Any other members had a chance to test drive , or buy this dream machine ?
My only regret is not having enough time lately to put on some serious miles.
Hopefully that will change soon.
speaktaper wrote post
BMW has been enjoying great success as a motorcycle maker for up to 80 years. The German producer first sparkled in the niche as a creator of a motorcycle boxer engine. Now the company keeps up their high pace constantly implementing cutting-edge…