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speaktaper wrote post
Moto boots are special shoes for driving a bike. They are distinguished by a rigid structure and a special design. Specially designed to protect the biker’s legs from bruises, fractures, bumps, and pressure. That’s one of the most important elements of a motorcyclist’s gear because, according to statistics, bikers’ legs most often suffer in motorcycle accidents. So, you can’t understate the importance of this accessory for your bike experience. To pick up the best motorcycle boots of the right size, first, you need to get familiar with the key types of this crucial accessory.
How to choose the best motorcycle boots

Enduro motorcycle boots

They are specially designed for off-road and motocross driving. Manufacturers of these motorcycle boots put much value on high impact protection. Moreover, these boots have good resistance to torsional moments and bending.
How to choose the best motorcycle boots

The design resembles ski shoes. So, they’re massive and heavy. These bike boots have a clearly separated heel, responsible for grip with the footrest of the motorcycle, and a multilayer reinforced sole, the lower part of which can be changed.

Sport moto boots

They are suited for asphalt driving. These bike boots boast excellent resistance to loads. One should note that walking in them is not very convenient because there is a specific angle of inclination in the ankle area, adapted to the constantly changing position in a sports bike. The design of these motorcycle boots is characterized by the abundance of plastic and interchangeable sliders necessary for turns when the biker leans to the asphalt as much as possible.
How to choose the best motorcycle boots

These motorcycle boots are also distinguished by a streamlined shape and the flattest sole.

Tourist bike boots

Designed for long trips, they have a more comfortable fit than previous types. The design is focused on convenience. As a result, in many regards, these motorcycle boots resemble classic shoes. Made of textiles and leather, they have a minimum of plastic. Metal prevails in these motorcycle boots.
How to choose the best motorcycle boots

Perhaps, you think that the lack of protective elements is an absurd thing here. Well, it’s not true. Here the heel and toe of motorcycle boots are reinforced, thus protection against squeezing the legs is provided. Simultaneously, they are protected from twisting and breaking.

Urban motorcycle boots
How to choose the best motorcycle boots

These are low urban models with a minimum level of protection. On the other hand, in terms of design, they resemble regular shoes as much as possible. Some urban motorcycle boots come with hard elements as well as protective inner inserts. One should note the enormous difference in protection between the top and budget models of urban motorcycle boots. Despite the strong desire to save, don’t try sacrifice protection too much.

Motorcycle boots: extra tips

You’d better stick with classic models that ensure the maximum protection. When it comes to driving down public roads, it’s worth opting for more convenient city or tourist models.
How to choose the best motorcycle boots

When it comes to choosing the size, you need to keep in mind that special motorcycle boots are very different from regular ones. As follows from this, the dimensional grid may not correspond to your usual one. Therefore, when choosing the size of your bike boots, you need to consider the following nuances:

• Try on motor boots on a tight sock.
• You should look not only at the shoe size. You should also consider the insole length in millimeters because it may have a difference.
• There should be no discomfort on the sides.
• Your thumb should not rest against the toe.

Avoid buying the first shoes you see. Put them on and walk for about ten minutes to understand whether they really fit your feet or not.

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