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markus182 wrote post
One day I found a long scratch on my Vespa scooter, which virtually ruined my day. However, I knew that it was not that major problem to get upset about. So, I decided to get the necessary knowledge and try to eliminate the scratch myself. Since it was a successful experience, I wanted you to know about it. I want to tell you right away that it did not cost me lots of money to repair my Vespa machine and this type of work can be easily done at home.
How I Removed Scratches from My Vespa Scooter
I started my work with cleaning the piece of the body where I had the scratch with soap and water. Then I dried my Vespa machine with a towel and left it for a few minutes to dry completely before continuing to repair the piece. Since my scooter became hot, I had to park the machine in a shaded area away from sunlight and it is important to do because you need to have the paint surface with the scratch cold. So, I left my Vespa to cool, but since it still was warm I rinsed it with cold water using a garden hose. Then I used the towel to dry it again.
How I Removed Scratches from My Vespa Scooter
There are several remedies that you can use to try to repair a scratch of your Vespa scooter, and which one to use really depends on how deep it is. I decided to start with shoe polish paste and then see how it worked. I applied the paste on the problematic area of my Vespa machine using a microfiber applicator pad. I kept wiping the pad over the piece that required the repair so that the scratch could be filled out with polish. The color of my machine is while and I used black shoe polish paste because it is important that the color of polish be contrasted with the paint.

Then I poured one cup of cold water into a plastic bowl and added in three drops of liquid dish soap. In order to make an even solution, I had to mix everything thoroughly. I used ultra-fine 3000-grit sandpaper to dip the sanding block into the just prepared solution. I started sanding along the scratch on my Vespa using short strokes and holding the sanding block at a 60° angle. While doing the repair I had to control that the sanding block is wet enough all the time and when it became too dry and I dipped it into the soap solution again. I kept sanding the scratch until the contrasting marks were fully eliminated.

Now I could dry the piece after repair with a towel. After that procedure, I also applied some polishing compound along the scratch on by Vespa. Then I started to polish the piece where I had the problem using a microfiber cloth until the polishing compound was fully dissolved. The best effect can be achieved if you do this with circular motions over the scratch.

Then I just used my garden hose to rinse away remaining residue from the surface of the Vespa scooter and then I dried the surface using a clean towel. I repeated the same processes with the scratch using swirl mark eliminator compound.

My next step of the Vespa repair was applying auto paste wax to a wax applicator pad and coating the surface with an even layer of the remedy. I left the wax for some time to allow it to dry completely. It is important to see the manufacturer directions on how a certain solution works to do everything correctly. I used another clean towel to wipe the wax residue away of my Vespa and then polished the surface with circular motions using a microfiber cloth.

That is all! Although it took me some time I was completely happy with the result. I could not even find where the scratch was on my Vespa. I did it just a few days ago, but I hope that I will enjoy the same result for a long time. However, if there is something wrong and the scratch will become visible again, I will let you know as well as about other methods of removing unpleasant damaged from your Vespa scooter.

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