Социальная сеть для мотоциклистов
re: this photograph of the Drysdale V8.
By reproducing, publishing or communicating my copyrighted work (or by authorising a third party to
do so) Ian Drysdale has and is continuing to actively infringe my Exclusive Rights and Moral Rights. Photographs and videos of the Drysdale 750 V8 and 1000 V8 published on the internet are currently the subject of legal action against Mr. Drysdale
Please remove the unauthorised publication of photos from your website immediately and from any other website or publication under your control.
Greg Parish ACS
Director of Photography
By reproducing, publishing or communicating my copyrighted work (or by authorising a third party to
do so) Ian Drysdale has and is continuing to actively infringe my Exclusive Rights and Moral Rights. Photographs and videos of the Drysdale 750 V8 and 1000 V8 published on the internet are currently the subject of legal action against Mr. Drysdale
Please remove the unauthorised publication of photos from your website immediately and from any other website or publication under your control.
Greg Parish ACS
Director of Photography
Другие публикации
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